Why Incarcerated State of Mind? The origins of the name

The thought process that went into the name "Incarcerated State of Mind" derives from the saying "they can lock your body but they can't lock your mind". So, how did I come up with the name? I came up with the name from the word recidivism. I had a hard time saying the word "recidivism" in my college class, so I started saying "ISM". It wasn't until I decided to write my 30 plus page paper on recidivism which is when ISOM was birthed - if we look at the definition of "ism", it means the distinctive belief, theory, system, or practice. But to an extent, that's what prison is, a system that locks your mind. It locks your mind into believing you're an animal. It also puts a label on you that you're a criminal that doesn't deserve a chance, which leads those who were incarcerated to follow the same vicious cycle. This vicious cycle has plagued our communities for years. The injustices that occur within the prison system incarcerate the mind, not only affecting the individual mentally but the physical and spiritual aspect as well.

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Results are not guaranteed. Coaching is a tool that can help develop the right mindset and align it with success but individual results will vary.

I am not a therapist or a psychiatrist. If at any time you feel that additional services are needed outside of coaching sessions that address a more in depth approach to your overall mental health, please utilize resources that are available under the resources tab. These resources are attainable from the comfort of your home.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, please utilize the suicide hotline: THE NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 1-800-273-TALK) or 988. https://988lifeline.org/